Why The West Will Lose To Asia

The Asians simply are willing to work harder.


What I found interesting is that this is a family business and that they work up to 17 hours per day. The videographer even notes that his hotel room is across the street and that they are even working late on Saturday.

He also notes that he never sees them outside taking a break just making shoes all day long.

Of course I know these are not ideal working conditions and that there are health and safety violations.

The point is these people are willing to grind and suffer through long hours in order to make their business successful.

What are you willing to do? These work ethics will eventually move up the value chain and one day you might have to compete with these people. They will not be shy in out working you, and they could care less about your views on what is fair.

The west has grown fat and lazy on its success. People in the west are not hungry anymore. The lesson will be learned hard for many.