Commodities & Market Rotation into Value By Taylor Collins Commodity prices and performance of many resource-related stocks have been picking up recently. In addition to this, many of the wildly popular, most-talked about tech/growth stocks now seem to be going ...

In the 2018 Berkshire letter to shareholders Warren Buffett said the following, “Charlie and I happily acknowledge that much of Berkshire’s success has simply been a product of what I think should be called The American Tailwind. It is beyond ...

I want to introduce a new contributer to Actionable Intelligence. Taylor Collins will be contributing on a regular basis going forward. Look out for his upcoming articles. Mind Blowing Valuations – Tesla, AirBnB, DoorDash Saturday, 12/19/2020 By: Taylor Collins, Actionable ...

Link: Argentina has passed a new tax on its wealthiest people to pay for medical supplies and relief measures amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Senators passed the one-off levy – dubbed the “millionaire’s tax” – by 42 votes to 26 ...

Capital, both human and monetary goes where it is treated best. Many high net worth people, financial firms, and businesses are leaving places like New York and California for low tax states like Texas and Florida. However the entire west ...

Link: “Dr. Copper,” so named for the metal’s ubiquitous use in many different applications, has been ripping higher since its 52-week low in March, thanks to a number of factors including promising economic data. Copper rose 12.24% in November, its ...

Fidelity Investments conducted a study on their Magellan fund from 1977-1990, during Peter Lynch’s tenure. His average annual return during this period was 29%. What Fidelity Investments found in their study was shocking. The average investor in the fund actually lost money Individuals ...

Link: How do you even begin to visualize $277 trillion? If we convert it into seconds, 277 trillion is the equivalent of 8.8 million years. I’m not sure what was happening that long ago, but I guarantee you it didn’t ...

Link: Far more Japanese people are dying of suicide, likely exacerbated by the economic and social repercussions of the pandemic, than of the COVID-19 disease itself. While Japan has managed its coronavirus epidemic far better than many nations, keeping deaths ...

Review of Chris Mayer’s Lost Chapter to his book “100 Baggers: Stocks That Return 100-to-1 and How to Find Them.” In this paper he cites examples of wealthy people and how they became this way. As I have said before, ...