Link: How do you even begin to visualize $277 trillion? If we convert it into seconds, 277 trillion is the equivalent of 8.8 million years. I’m not sure what was happening that long ago, but I guarantee you it didn’t ...

Link: Far more Japanese people are dying of suicide, likely exacerbated by the economic and social repercussions of the pandemic, than of the COVID-19 disease itself. While Japan has managed its coronavirus epidemic far better than many nations, keeping deaths ...

Review of Chris Mayer’s Lost Chapter to his book “100 Baggers: Stocks That Return 100-to-1 and How to Find Them.” In this paper he cites examples of wealthy people and how they became this way. As I have said before, ...

What is the World Economic Forum and who is Klaus Schwab? Are the globalists using the supposed climate change crisis and the Chinese virus crisis to foist a one world globalist agenda on a demoralized and fearful population? What does ...