Here is one of the main reasons I am bullish on commodities this decade. Another chart that shows how out of favor commodities are currently. At other points in history that are similar to today on this chart, we saw ...

I believe this was recorded in March of 2021. When I listened to it recently was struck by how much we got right. Even though we did not predict the war in Ukraine, we did discuss the emergence of the ...

I have pointed these types of activities out in the past. People that are wedded to the EV revolution ignore these artisanal miners working in horrific conditions for low wages, not to mention the environmental degradation that is being perpetrated ...

Demand exceeds expectations. Supply is low equals irrational expectations and unsustainable lowered price. Uncertainties (China lockdown, US recession) led to record low positioning plus Russia/Ukraine crisis leading to high retail price…all not solving supply issue. Consider also the completion of ...

Adam Rozencwajg is one of my favorite analysts. He is part of an investment management company that specializes in the resources sector. In addition to managing money, he and his partner do extensive research into trends and opportunities in the ...