Uranium Rocket Ship Blasts Off

Wow! What a week for uranium and uranium stocks.

Since the Sprott Uranium Trust came into existence a couple of weeks ago the trust has vacuumed up around 5 million pounds of uranium off the spot market.

You can see what this has done to the price of uranium.



I believe this vehicle will be the catalyst to get the uranium bull market to the next level.

We finally have a mechanism in place that will put constant buying pressure on the spot market. Recall that the uranium market is very opaque and it is difficult to get accurate information on inventories and what level of inventory is really available. Based on the recent price jump maybe not as much as thought.

By the way that spreadsheet tracking SPUT’s activity is updated each trading day at 1900 by a guy named Alex Weinstein. You can follow him on Twitter and follow the link on his page to the document.

Also do yourself a favor and read Harris Kupperman’s article regarding the Sprott Uranium Trust and how he sees parallels with the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust and how it pushed up the price of bitcoin last year. Could the same thing happen in uranium?

You can also check out the interview I did this week with Justin Huhn of UraniumInsider.com. We talked about the current uranium market and speculated on where this thing could go.

Finally, WallStreetBets published a very positive article on uranium and the Sprott Uranium Trust. That page on Redditt has 10.8 million subscribers and if they decide to come into this uranium market it will be a Katy bar the door moment. We could see fireworks.

Lots going on in the resource markets and many are looking for guidance and or help in determining the best path forward as these markets can be volatile and complicated.

Consider a subscription (if you are not a subscriber) to Actionable Intelligence Alert. I have been consistently ahead of the curve on these trends and my best performing uranium stock is up a whopping 650%. This is in the context of nothing really happening to the uranium price.

Now that we may have a catalyst for a rapid appreciation in the uranium spot price it is time to buy your ticket and get on the train.

To your investing success,


John Polomny